mercredi 9 mars 2011

Emergency Cupcake!

Yes, let's start with an emergency cupcake?
But... what is an emergency cupcake? 
An emergency cupcake is when you've got nothing planed, nothing to eat, and, it's just the moment when you will eat ANYTHING that isn't good for you, and without any satisfaction because it isn't what you want, it's just what you've got!

This is an emergency for your diet (and mine!)  That's why the first recipe I had to find, was to be sur this kind of emergency will find his cupcake, and here they are, let me introduce you:  
The emergency cupcakes made in 5 MINUTES !!

They are micro wave cupcakes, they are baked in a mug and they just need 3 minuts of baking and 2 of preparation!

Here are the recipes:

For the chocolate emergency cupcake:
4 tablespoon of cake flour (the one which already has baking powder)
4 tablespoon of sugar
2 tablespoon of cocoa powder
1 egg
3 tablespoon of milk
3 tablespoon of oil

I recommend you mix everything in the mug and you add the egg at last.
When you got well mixed, put the mug in the micro wave for 3 minuts at max power (1000 Watts)
Let it cold a bit and... enjoy your emergency!

For the vanilla emergency cupcake:
4 tablespoon of cake flour (the one which already has baking powder)
4 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1 egg
3 tablespoon of milk
3 tablespoon of vanilla yogurt

Do the same as for the other emergency cupcake!

This one is maybe a little less tasty, but you can add it apple, or other fruits to make it healthier ;-)

OK, now we are ready for emergencies!!

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